An Interspiritual-Interfaith Work of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi
All is Welcome Here
Living in Love beyond Beliefs
*Passion, Jong Soo (Peter) Lee, Flickr
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It feels really exciting, and can be a little scary, for now someone could often inquire of me, "Why are you doing that?," and I could only reply, "I've no idea why." That's exciting. That makes life an adventure. Persons talk about thinking outside the box, like that is a great accomplishment. What happens when you realize there is no box to think inside of or outside of - live inside of or outside of? What happens when you feel you're losing control to a freedom that itself is more and more living through you, living you, and you can only sanely say, "Yes," and you less and less care what others think - not because you're being irresponsible, but for you're becoming more authentically, lovingly free?
Let's Come Together
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*Passion, Tinhart, Flickr
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*We belong together, Glockenblume, Flickr
What our soul longs for is awe and wonder. If we have the attitude of the child, we will enjoy awe and wonder daily. This will be a healing salve for our hearts and minds, and body and relationships.
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Persons can go to YouTube, Lotus of the Heart, to see a 3-Minute Introduction and Welcome to Lotus of the Heart. Also, a welcome video for JesusSpirituality, a ministry of Lotus of the Heart, is at its channel by that name, also. The welcome videos are the featured videos and will automatically begin playing upon accessing the channels.
The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You
OM Shanti Shanti Shanti OM
ŠArem Nahariim-Samadhi, 2012. Arem can be contacted at .